Personalized predictions for
your website.
The prediction engine finds high
factors like your industry, customer profile, and page type.
Grouping test results into similar
patterns.Our scraper finds over 8,000 new tests every month. Tests are
categorized based on the conversion pattern tested.
For example, we detected this Dual
CTA pattern, where a second CTA is added to a page, run in 377 tests.The scraper found 377 A/B tests with a Dual CTA.
Weighting test data
by trust & relevance.Results are scored based on their trustworthiness. Tests with more
traffic, longer duration, and cleaner patterns are more trustworthy and given higher weightings. Similarly, tests from sites most relevant to yours, based on factors such as industry and customer type, are also given higher weightings.Personalized Predictions
Know what tests are
most likely to win big for you.Get predictions for the test patterns
that are most likely to win for your company, their chance of winning, and the size of win.Prioritize testing based on data, so
Continuously updated as new data comes in.
Predict which tests will win for you and the size of the lift.
Get THE TOP 3 predictions
for your siteSee the top 3 CRO recommendations from our prediction engine
for your most important page when you book a demo.